Wednesday, November 3, 2010

God Cares about the Ugly!

Interesting segment this morning on YouTube with Pastor Justin Cox and the P4CM (Passion for Christ movement). He discussed the Khloe Kardashians of the Bible. He went through Genesis with Jacob and Leah and Rachel and how Leah was the "ugly" girl of the family living under her younger sister Rachel's shadow. Jacob was willing to work 7 years for Rachel's hand in marriage but would not even entertain the thought of being with Leah. Jacob ended up being tricked into marrying Leah and still worked an additional 7 years to then marry Rachel anyways. So two wives later, God saw how "unloved" Layla was and blessed her with the ability to bear a child and making her sister Rachel barren. However rather than seeing that God loved her far more to give her this child, she used her pregnancy as a bait to win Jacobs love [Jacob loved Rachel more for her physical beauty!] she did the same thing with her 2nd child. It wasn't until after the 3rd child that she began to see what God was doing and how she neglected Gods blessing. She then finally honors God with naming her 4th child Judah and then she stopped bearing.  Read Genesis 24-30 for more. great reading to meditate on.

Now this whole ordeal struck a nerve deep inside me. I mean Leah was in a mess! She was labeled as the ugly girl, been rejected by Jacob when he came looking for a wife through her father, had to be wed at night and completely covered to trick Jacob into marrying her, when he found out it was her he didn't want to marry her and then still married her younger sister anyways. on top of all that he paid her no attention and loved Rachel more. This whole scenario was all too familiar I mean lets face it, we've all had to face this negativity or pain or hurt or unloving and hopelessness in one way or form. We all had a point in time when someone pointed out a negative thing about us. For me it was [but not limited to] the following:

"Your hair is too nappy"
"Your hair isnt long enough"
"Youre never going to get married"
"You have a chocolate chip face" (referring to my acne)
"You too Dark"
"Your lips are too thin and dark"
"Dang you wear a size 10?! you got some big boat feet"
"You so ugly"
"Youre too tall"
"Youre not beautiful...enough"
"Youre not as rich as they are"

For the longest I never realized hearing all these things all my life brought so much insecurity, of course most of them had died out and i got over them but one in particular that stuck. "You so ugly." Even though now I have the confidence of an angel and im pretty secure in my destiny [secure meaning i know its in Gods hands now] I am still only recognized being just a black woman in america that no one truly desires. 

Well after years of trying to change how God made me and wishing he made me like someone else, ive finally come to realize that God wants us to see that he loved us through it all! Through our past sins, hidden sins, our ugliness, our mistakes, our behavior towards others because of our insecurities, He loved us through it all. There is No greater love than He. I Love my hair that i didnt even know i had, my true friends which are far and few, and the teachings which God entrusted to me. Everything we do as Christians are ordered by God to bring glory unto Him; to bless His name! That alone is a great privilege.

I have com to realize through reading the word that you cannot get Gods approval by seeking mans approval. 
Man looks at the outward appearance The Lord looks at the Heart. Beauty is a godliness of the heart. Even though we live in a world where as Christians we are persecuted we must live our lives as unto God rather than unto man. bringing glory to Him and the lineage he so divinely orchestrated through the blood of Jesus. 
If we all learn to see and love ourselves the way God does we would all be transformed. Remember God loves us even with our flaws that the world calls ugly. God is more than enough.

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